2015-2016 Administration

Kenneth Ricks
Faculty Advisor
Associate Professor: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Subsystems: Runs the place
"Old" -Dr. Ricks
"Mean" -Dr.Ricks
Faculty Advisor
Associate Professor: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Subsystems: Runs the place
"Old" -Dr. Ricks
"Mean" -Dr.Ricks

Caleb Leslie
RMC Team Lead
Tenured Grad Student
4th Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Could live off breakfast food alone
Ping pong game is fire. Just ask Derrill
RMC Team Lead
Tenured Grad Student
4th Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Could live off breakfast food alone
Ping pong game is fire. Just ask Derrill

Joe Kabalin
Sample Return Team Lead and RMC Base Lead
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module
Resident Solidworks Guru
3D printing aficionado
Sample Return Team Lead and RMC Base Lead
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module
Resident Solidworks Guru
3D printing aficionado

Joshua Yarbough
RMC Module Lead
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module
Enjoys rowing
Enjoys fine craftsmanship in woodworking
RMC Module Lead
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module
Enjoys rowing
Enjoys fine craftsmanship in woodworking

Jake Webster
Mechanical Lead
4th Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Everything
A jack of all trades in engineering
Not a big football fan
Mechanical Lead
4th Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Everything
A jack of all trades in engineering
Not a big football fan

Max Eastepp
Electrical Lead
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module, Electrical
Participated in FIRST Robotics for 4 years in high school
Nickname is Radioshack because he has enough electrical stuff in his dorm room to open his own Radioshack
Electrical Lead
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module, Electrical
Participated in FIRST Robotics for 4 years in high school
Nickname is Radioshack because he has enough electrical stuff in his dorm room to open his own Radioshack

Connor Lawson
Autonomy Lead
4th Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy
Occasionally gets lost between "drop" and "roll"
Dorm life can't stop me from home-brewing
Autonomy Lead
4th Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy
Occasionally gets lost between "drop" and "roll"
Dorm life can't stop me from home-brewing

Brent Chester
Logistics Lead
3rd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Electrical, Base, Module
Studied Abroad in Barcelona, Spain
Big Alabama and Arizona Cardinals football fan
Logistics Lead
3rd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Electrical, Base, Module
Studied Abroad in Barcelona, Spain
Big Alabama and Arizona Cardinals football fan

Rebecca Sedlak
Outreach and Social Media Lead
3rd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
An aerospace engineering student who has nevery been on an airplane
Has a pet baby hedgehog named Chad
Outreach and Social Media Lead
3rd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
An aerospace engineering student who has nevery been on an airplane
Has a pet baby hedgehog named Chad
2015-2016 Team Members

Jordan Anderson
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
Played Ice Hockey for 13 years
Plays way too much Xbox
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
Played Ice Hockey for 13 years
Plays way too much Xbox

Katie Armstrong
1st semester on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Electrical
Particpated in FIRST and BEST robotics
Has watched The Office series at least ten times through
1st semester on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Electrical
Particpated in FIRST and BEST robotics
Has watched The Office series at least ten times through

Richard Belleville
Richard Belleville
- Senior
- 2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
- Subsystems: Autonomy
- Speaks Japanese

Adam Benabbou
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Module, Base
From MoroccoCan code in FORTRAN

Kathleen Castellanos
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module
Loves New Orleans and Seafood
Likes origami
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Base, Module
Loves New Orleans and Seafood
Likes origami

Matthew Culver
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Social Media, Autonomy
Aerospace Engineer double majoring in History
Has been in aerospace vehicles

Rebecca Dietz
- Sophomore
- 1st Year on Alabama Astrobotics
- Subsystems: Module, Base
- Raised a Tennessee Vols fan, but attends the University of Alabama...she is now a person divided
- Played the Chick-fil-A cow at parades and events

Tyler Gester
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Autonomy
Used to row on the crew teamHas a pilot's license

Samuel Griffin
4th year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy
Collects rocks and minerals, and video games, and Lego
Collects things
4th year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy
Collects rocks and minerals, and video games, and Lego
Collects things

Trey Harrison
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy
Bubble Blower
Can do a handstand
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy
Bubble Blower
Can do a handstand

Charles Haynes
- Senior
- 2.5 Years on Alabama Astrobotics
- Subsystems: Electrical
- No fun facts

Christina Hughes
Super Senior
2nd Year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Electrical, Base, Module
Likes nature

Gordon "Bracken" Jones
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Electrical
Has the talent to fall going both down and up stairs
Loves country music
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Electrical
Has the talent to fall going both down and up stairs
Loves country music

William Khan
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Electrical
Pronounced "preface' incorrectly most of his life (until recently)
Skips the preface out of spite
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Electrical
Pronounced "preface' incorrectly most of his life (until recently)
Skips the preface out of spite

Joseph Mosset
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
8th consecutive year in robotics competitions
5th robotics team he has been a part of
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
8th consecutive year in robotics competitions
5th robotics team he has been a part of

Alex Pitttman
- Freshman
- 1st year on Astrobotics
- Subsystems: Mechanical
- Enjoys traveling
- Enjoys good coffee

RJ Porter
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
An avid podcast listener
A novice archer
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
An avid podcast listener
A novice archer

Huston Rogers
Senior, University Scholar
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy, Electrical
The Vice President of ABXY, the gaming group on campus
Loves to bake things
Senior, University Scholar
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy, Electrical
The Vice President of ABXY, the gaming group on campus
Loves to bake things

Jed Rutherford
- Junior
- 2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
- Subsystems: Electrical

Sean Stephens
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy, Mechanical
Owns 5 types of Rubik's cubes, but can only solve 3 of themLongboards to Astrobotics meetings
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Autonomy, Mechanical
Owns 5 types of Rubik's cubes, but can only solve 3 of themLongboards to Astrobotics meetings

Alexander Wilson
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Autonomy
Volunteer firefighter
1st year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical, Autonomy
Volunteer firefighter

Andrew Zeller
3rd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
Races collegiate club triathlon and finished a Half-Ironman last FallPuts hot sauce on his hot sauce
3rd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
Races collegiate club triathlon and finished a Half-Ironman last FallPuts hot sauce on his hot sauce

Tyler Zell
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
Has traveled to over 30 states and 7 countriesTallest member of the Astrobotics team
2nd year on Alabama Astrobotics
Subsystems: Mechanical
Has traveled to over 30 states and 7 countriesTallest member of the Astrobotics team