Systems Engineering Resources
What is Systems Engineering?
Systems Engineering is a branch of engineering that concerns itself with the integration of multiple parts of a project. System Engineering teams also often handle project management and creating system requirements for a project. Systems Engineers employ many engineering disciplines to ensure the smooth integration of different parts of a given system.
Project Management Plan
A Project Management Plan (PMP) is a tool created to lay out team structure, project schedules, budget allocations, and more. Using a PMP helps to keep the team on schedule as well as aware of what is expected of them. Having a PMP from the start can be a great reference to use throughout the course of a project.
System Requirements
System requirements are internal standards that are set for a project. They are often created based on competition rules and restraints, but they will also likely include unique standards for the project that are based on limitations on resources available to the team and team-specific goals. System requirements should be written clearly and plainly so that there is no room for interpretation, and it is obvious whether a project meets a requirement or not.
Design Reviews
Preliminary and Critical Design Reviews are an integral step in the systems engineering process. At a PDR or CDR, the design will be examined from a top-down view and gives all members of the team the opportunity to voice any concerns or ask any questions about the design, as well as ensuring that all system requirements are being met. Having PDRs and CDRs are a great way to catch and address any design flaws before fabrication, saving time, energy, and money.
SE Paper (Engineering Notebook)
A Systems Engineering Paper (or Engineering Notebook as it is often called in other competitions) is used to document the way the team has implemented the Systems Engineering Process throughout the project. It is a way to clearly and succinctly communicate to others what design choices were made and why, as well as show how the design has been evaluated and re-evaluated through the course of the project.
Additional Resources
Technical Resources
Learn to Code
Understanding Circuits
Mechanical Principles
Useful Equations
Torque: t = Frsin(𝛉)
Truss stability: m + r < 2j